Frequently Asked Questions:

Can my child participate in Elements programs if they go to school?

We operate Elements Nature Program (ENP) during the school day for children who are homeschooled or preschool-aged. Children in traditional schools will not be available to join ENP.

Many of our traditionally schooling friends join us at Summer Elements Nature Camp!

How often do they have to participate?

ENP operates 3 days a week from Sept - June. Full enrollment is required. For less of a commitment, we currently offer Family Days which offer 1 day per week attendance for 6-week sessions. We hope to provide drop off programs for homeschoolers ages 8-10 and 10-12 in the future!

How many children participate in each session?

At ENP we have between 12-15 children present each year. Our staff to child ratio is 1:5, 1:4, or 1:3 at different times of the day. Children are separated by skill level or interest at times during academic lessons.

Do you offer scholarships?

Yes! We are grateful to have community members who support our mission and donate to our scholarship fund. Those who need a scholarship for an upcoming program are encouraged to apply ASAP. To apply for a scholarship click here.

I’d love for my toddler to attend your program, do you have programs for toddlers?

Unfortunately we do not have the capacity to care for toddlers in our programs, as we do not have proper facilities for diapering and potty training. We also play in open spaces, and on an actively working farm, and to ensure safety for all, we begin welcoming children into our program at age 4. 

Are parents allowed to stay for the day?

Yes! Parents are welcome to stay for the day especially if the child is needed their parents company for transitioning into the program. We also welcome parents who want to volunteer on a regular basis.